Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mediterranean: La Ciotat

I know it's been a couple days since my last entry, but it's not entirely my fault (the internet has been down a lot here lately). I'm gonna try to write this entry quickly in case it crashes again soon. This Monday, I went with Anne, Antoine, and Leo to La Ciotat on the Mediterranean. As it turns out, we spent most of the day apartment hunting for Leo (who goes to school there), and maybe an hour or two at the beach. Luckily, the sea isn't too far away, so it's not like all my dreams of spending all day swimming and sun-bathing were crushed or anything. All in all, we had a good time at the beach, although I admit the water was just as cold as the ice-cold Alpine river we swam in the day before.

The one thing I've noticed so far about the French which is much different from Americans is the fact that, generally speaking, women aren't as body-conscious. They seem to be much less concerned with their looks, and it doesn't matter as much whether they are fat or thin, short or tall, etc... I think many women do care about presenting themselves well, but they only accentuate, never complain. I think American women could learn a lot from this. Too many of us are engrained with the thought that a different sizes are bad. We exercise to look thin, and when we eat too much, we feel guilty about adding on a couple of pounds. Life should be more about celebration and taking it easy, which are two things the French are excellent at. Anyway, I think I'm going to end this entry now so I can upload some pics and take a little break. I'll try to post again soon, and I hope you are all doing well at home!


  1. Good observation, my dear. You are sounding French already!

  2. You are exactly right, "life should be more about celebration." That's a lovely tenet to live by!

  3. That's what joie de vivre is all about!
