Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Antoine in America

I think it should be said that I finally chose my date to come home. For the past few days, I've been keeping it a little secret because I'm not ready to admit that this experience will come to an end on July 1. It was hard enough to actually pick a return date: pretty much every date from the 1st to the 15 was (at one point or another) the date to return. After a month of mulling it over, I decided the beginning of July was the best time for me. I'll be able spend the summer with my family and take some trips with my friends (Laurie - if you are somewhere out there reading this - we are totally going somewhere; I still don't know where, but we will be going!)

Now that that's said, I also want to remind you of something I wrote in one of my earlier posts: I fully intend on bringing Antoine back home with me this summer. (Pretty sure that's a direct quote) For all of you who think I exaggerated, let it be known, I kid not. Antoine, my 10 year old first host brother, is literally coming home with me at the end of my year. Anne booked Antoine a plane ticket and he's staying with me for a couple weeks. I am so excited!!! Most parents expect their child to come home from a foreign country with a few souvenirs, but no, I'm bringing them a little brother. So much better if you ask me. You're welcome, Mom and Dad :)

With that being off my chest, I guess I'll give you a little update on school: ONLY 1 MORE WEEK OF ACCROSPORT! Well, that's pretty much it on the school front...

Vacation starts in two days and I'm really looking forward to a nice, long break from school. My host family is taking me skiing in the Alps at Praz de Lys for one week.  I looked up some pictures on the website, and it looks stunning. They've been getting a lot of snow this winter, and I am so ready to hit the slopes! Here's the only problem: the Alps are a lot bigger than Greek Peak. Greek Peak was all good and dandy, but the black diamonds there are probably more like the bunny hills in Haute-Savoie. I've gone skiing before, but I'm definitely not an expert. And you might have read about how insanely athletic the DollĂ©'s are. I'm praying they'll take it easy on me next week, but in case that doesn't work, the painkillers are packed.


  1. You will miss Le Tour! But at least you will get to ski in the Alps; that's awesome. Think of your poor cousin K and Uncle G back in snowless New York. You had better take some photos to share! I'll be looking for them!

  2. Wish cuzzy K and uncle G could magically transport themselves and share the fun.

    And I can't wait to host Antoine this summer! We have lots of activities planned. Oh, it will be nice to see you, too, Hayley!

  3. Although it may be sad thinking of leaving France I know mom and I are really excited to think of you coming home and bringing Antoine with you. You'll have to throw a party to celebrate the end of accrosport! Have a truly wonderful time in Praz de Lys and enjoy the opportunity to ski to your heart's content.
