Friday, September 23, 2011


So, I really don't have too much to say today, but I really wanted to share with you all that I finally found chocolate! During a long talk with my sister, Gigi, I realized that there was a supermarket right next to the place where I go swimming for school (yes - I was completely oblivious, for I didn't notice it myself). Luckily, Gigi does her research and finds these things out for me. After school, I took a detour, found exactly what I needed, and was quite happy with my heavy backpack on my return home. For the first time since I've been in France, I majorly pigged out, and it was absolutely wonderful. This post goes out to Gigi - thanks so much for enlightening me! Even half a world away, you make my life so much better!


  1. Victory truly can be sweet!!!

  2. Aw shucks, minione!! Such a lovely post. You didn't even mention the fact that I demanded credit for finding the supermarket :)
