Monday, May 28, 2012

Goodbye Sanity

                                                    Facteur Cheval

I'm falling way behind on my blog. It's not that I don't love you all, because I really do, and it's not because I hate writing, cause I really don't! I guess it's just the mentality of an end-of-the-year exchange student. Ever since April break when my family visited and I buss-tripped it all the way to Spain, I've been slacking off way too much. Too many things are piling up, and June is definitely going to top this whole year off as craziest month of them all. Just giving you a head's up:

June 1 - 12: Rotary Bus Trip!! I'll be visiting Strasbourg, Nuremberg, Prague, Vienna, Milan, Venice, Geneva, and Chamonix. I have a feeling this will be like a stereotypical Japanese tour bus. On the bus, off the bus... peace sign photos in all the fun places, back on the bus, off the bus....Anyway, I'm totally excited! Practically two weeks traveling other corners of the world with the best people ever! Life couldn't be any sweeter.

June 15: My birthday!!! 19 years and counting.

June 16 - 17: Choir concerts. Did I ever mention that I sing in a classical choir here? Honestly, I can't remember. So if you didn't know, I sing in a classical choir with a bunch of nice, old ladies and a young, flamboyant choir director. We're singing Kaiser and Bach.

June 22 or 23??: I don't think the date's set yet, but I'll be having a good-bye BBQ / pool party with friends and family. Not looking forward to saying goodbyes :(

June 24 - ??: Another unofficial date. My host mom is taking me on a tour of the Cote d'Azur for several days.

June 30: Off to Paris with the Delenne's to catch my flight on July 1st.

There you have it. This month is going to go by incredibly quickly, and I will be in America before you know it. This scares me a lot. I love America so much, but it wasn't too difficult to leave last August. I knew I would be seeing my home and family again in one year, but when I leave France in a month, I don't know when I'll be coming back to my homes and families in Privas and Chomérac. (I'm starting to sound like a polygamist, aren't I?) I don't know when I'll be able to fly on over to India and Brazil to visit my two best friends. But one thing's for sure: I will find a way to do it all. Not sure how, but who needs specifics right now? I'm pretty sure exchange students are invincible, so don't worry for me.

WOW. I just spent all my allotted blogging time writing what was supposed to be an intro. Turns out, my intro somehow turned into the whole blog. I was really going to write about my long, eventful weekend. I got a killer sunburn at my host family's huge pool ('killer' being used here in a painful, negative sense). I ate a whole pizza (and dessert) by myself for lunch, worked my second week as an official volunteer at the SPCA animal refuge in Valence, tried my first glass of milk straight from the cow, made perfect pancakes, visited the Facteur Cheval (which completely resembles a palace straight out of Southeast Asia), and went swimming in  the rain. Guess those are all different stories for a different day. I'll try to update you all soon, but if you don't hear from me in a little while, I'll be trying to get my life in order before it all falls out of hand.

Kitties at the SPA in Valence

Kitten at the SPA in Valence

Helene's Dog :)

 Helene and I

My host family's pool!

Unita; my host dog :)

1 comment:

  1. I realize that it may be cumbersome to bring me a present from all of the countries you are about to visit, so I will instead take that kitten, pictured above. Plus the two in the picture above that.

    Enjoy your last month, my darling!! And remember that no matter where you are, there's an adventure waiting around every corner!
