Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gum Curtesy

This is going to be a short post. I'm planning on writing a longer post either tomorrow or Thursday, but I don't have the time now because it is almost time for Tuesday action movie night at 11 and I am therefore preoccupied with picking my film. Right now, it's between "Awake" and "Eagle Eye."

So you might be wondering, with so much on her plate, why is Travelbug taking all this time out of her busy schedule to write in her blog today? I'll tell you why: I sat in gum today. It was absolutely disgusting and I basically just want to go off on a quick little rant about annoying people who go around sticking their gum to the TOPS of chairs. I don't know why it is so difficult for people to throw their gum in the garbage or for that matter, to the bottom of a chair and or table, but who in their right mind sticks their gum to the top of a chair!? REALLY?? I will tell you now: It is super inconvenient and dégueulasse for the poor, innocent foreign exchange student to sit down her tired little legs in history class and stick to a wet piece of chewing gum.

So dear fellow lycéen and all the rest of you who are out there reading this, please just take the 3 second walk to the garbage can when disposing your gum. It's not like I'm asking you to save the world or end hunger. I'm just demanding this one tiny little request that will make the world a slightly better and more sanitary place. Anyway, now I'm stuck spending my potentially beautiful evening picking gum out of my pants with a tweezer. Thanks a lot.


  1. Apply ice to the gum and it will make it much easier to remove.

  2. Thinking about how one's actions affect others is a problem everywhere. Of course the possibility exists that such a prank was intentional and your response humored some immature mindset. I guess the lesson to be learned is to take a quick look before you take a seat.

  3. Poor little munchekine and her tired little legs! That is rather unfortunate. Personally, I'm surprised they even dared to come near your chair - have they not heard the Rant on Pants?!
